How to start a juice bar business

How to start a juice bar business

Will you like to open a smoothie and fruit juice bar? Will you require a strategic strategy concept or a feasibility study? If so, I encourage you to continue reading.

Many people have started to give up sodas and soft drinks, which are supposed to be bad for your health and could lead to diabetes and other health problems. More and more people prefer healthier alternatives like fruit and vegetable juices. Fruit juices are not only packed with fewer calories, but they are also packed with vitamins that are beneficial to the body.

Where to configure your juice bar

The best place to set up your juice bar is in a public place where many people drive or walk normally. A very good place is a shopping mall or a grocery store. Other suitable places to set up your juice bar include airports, train stations, gyms, school cafeterias, and office complexes.

Types of juice bars

Mobile Juice Bar - Mobile juice bars are now more common. They support busy people by supplying them with juices, regardless of where they are. Remote juice bars market their items by using juice vans or carts. You can travel through the neighborhoods by your juice truck and make purchases or create a sales stand at public gatherings, including games, shows, and festivals.

Smoothie and Juice Bar: Unlike the mobile juice bar, this type of juice bar is stationed in one place ( restaurant-style ) where people can easily walk in and order whatever they want.

Start a juice bar - business plan template

Factors to be successful in a juice business

To achieve success in your juice bar business, there are some very important factors to consider, some of which include;

1. Location-: Where you want to set the bar, your company must prosper. To draw clients (and not just clients), you can set up your juice bar to attract those consumers, and note that you want health-conscious customers who appreciate that fresh juice is a better choice.

The first best place to consider is in a gym. It would help if you also thought about settling in a place where there is usually much traffic. That way, you can serve thirsty customers stuck in traffic. You can also consider places like airports and shopping malls and even schools.

2. Seasonal Changes - You need to understand that changes in the seasons will affect your income and you should always be adequately prepared for off-peak periods. In winter and other cold seasons, a juice bar company is expected to be selling less than in summer. The summer is a boom for your juice company since the warmer weather now encourages people to enjoy more juices. You may try putting up a fortune-building juice bar on a beach or playground throughout the summer to allow further sales.

3. Marketing-: You must also understand the process of marketing your business to be successful. This is where the need for a juice bar marketing plan comes in. You must know how to attract customers.

Give your juice bar an enticing tag, which speaks to your consumers' health-conscious minds. You can also suggest introducing healthier treats to your menu; it will raise sales and help your consumers select healthy items. Here is a marketing strategy prototype sample juice bar to help you get started.

4. Competition: a juice bar is very easy to install and requires relatively less capital, so you should expect much competition. However, you can beat your competitors by being smarter. Study your top competitors and see what they are offering and what makes them successful, then develop something even better. A good way to beat your competitors is to make your products cheaper and offer them lots of gifts. Trust me, customers love gifts.

5. Franchise: You should also think about leveraging other people's success and efforts by purchasing a juice bar franchise. Find a very popular and successful juice bar and start another branch of that bar in your area. This would give you access to ready-made clients and make it easier for you to start your business, as most of the strategies and advertising have already been worked out.

6. Menu - This is one of the most important factors in helping you succeed. You need to make sure your juice menu is great and full of tasty and healthy ingredients. Try experimenting with different combinations of fruits and flavors to develop something that no one else is offering. It would help if you also tried to find out the juices that people demand the most and make sure it is included in your menu.

Equipment needed to start your juice bar

You may need to buy some equipment to launch your juice bar. You should buy reasonably old equipment if you find it will be too costly to acquire new equipment. Any of the equipment you need is:

·         Blender

·         Ice machine

·         Juice press

·         Straws

·         Cups

·         Napkins

·         Mesh filters

·         Long spoons

·         Cup lids

These are the basic tools you need to set up your juice bar, but as time goes on and you start to make more sales and profits, you may find that you need other equipment. If you are setting up a mobile juice bar, don't forget that you will need a truck for this and if you opt for a restaurant-style juice bar instead, you need to remember to include the cost of renting a restaurant space as well as the cost of furnishing it in your juice bar business plan. You also need to make sure you obtain the necessary licenses and permits to avoid harassment from law enforcement officers.

Types of juices to sell

When you want to create your menu, you must create three juice categories to sell; fruit juices, vegetable juices, and smoothies. The most popular fruit juices are apple, orange, pineapple, and mango. These juices are known as base juices because they can be mixed with other types of juice.

Suitable vegetable juices include spinach, celery, beets, wheatgrass, and carrots. It would help if you also considered adding spices like ginger, garlic, nutmeg, or cinnamon to your vegetable juice, while in the smoothie category, you can include dairy products like yogurts, soy milks, or rice milks.

If you are looking for some combinations to try, peach and pineapple, blackberry and banana, or red grapes and blueberry are very good combinations to try.

This article should not be taken as a substitute for proper training for your juice business. It is advisable that you receive basic training to help you learn the tips and tricks to succeed in business and prepare you for any challenges you may face while running your juice bar business. 
